
Friday, March 27, 2015

Saleforce Analytics Cloud Wave Setup

I got access to Salesforce Analytics Cloud this week and got some time to enable / set it up in our org..

here's a quick list of steps to enable, setup & configure Analytics cloud

1. Get the Analytics Cloud feature added to your org  by Salesforce
2. Once its added, you will notice the new menu item for analytics cloud under the setup menu
3. Go to Setup -> Analytics Cloud -> Getting Started
4. Click on Enable Analytics Cloud
5. That's the easy part. the tricky part is to add the analytics permission set license and permission set with required user permission to the user
6. The Analytics Cloud feature comes wit
  • User License type called "Analytics Cloud Integration User" and 
  • Permission Set Licenses 
    • "Analytics Cloud Builder"
    • "Analytics Cloud Explorer"
7. Go to Setup -> Manage Users -> Users and select the user (who will be working with analytics cloud) or if its for yourself, click on My profile and go to your user detail page
8. Click on Permission Set License assignments for the user and click on Edit Assignments and add the "Analytics Cloud Builder" permission set license to the user.
9. Go to Setup -> Manage Users -> Permission Sets
10. Click on New and create a new permission set.
Give it a name and DONT SELECT ANY LICENSE TYPE for the permission set.
11. Open the App Assignments and add the Analytics App and then in the System Permissions options enable all the analytics cloud permissions and save the permission set.
12. Now come back to the User and add the permission set using the Edit Assignments option under the Permission Set section for the user.

13. All done. once you save the User with both the Permission Set License and the Permission Set, you will see the Analytics App under the App menu

Now its time to surf thru the wave..